My anti-Covid recipe

Today is 1st May (International Workers’ Day) and I’m feeling lucky:

This morning I had my alarm set for six o’clock to enable me to deliver an urgent translation (which had arrived yesterday evening) by ten o’clock.

I succeeded, I delivered the job without applying any surcharge for urgency/working on a bank holiday, and thanked my client because he enabled me to celebrate Workers’ Day with a job well done.

It’s not the first time, indeed I have always thought it brings good luck to start the new year or celebrate the first of May by working.

Even more so this year.

Faced with the Covid-19 emergency, several companies (including some of my clients) have put their technology at the service of the struggle against the spread of Coronavirus, by converting their production lines to making gowns, masks or other new types of product which are needed to satisfy the safety requirements resulting from anti-virus social distancing. Rotolito Lombarda, for example, which has decided to diversify by producing plexiglass barriers in the packaging department which it has created within Nava Press; Durst, which is producing masks in its showpiece centre in Bressanone; or Energiapura, which has developed a protective mask complying with the requirements for a Class I medical device, using sublimation printing.

I, too, want to bring a little optimism into this difficult moment and I have decided to dedicate an hour of my day during May, say from 2pm to 3pm, to carrying out translations for people who need them. You don’t have to be an existing a client, just get in touch.